Health Benefits
Asthma treatment, Heart care, Prevents constipation, Treatment of skin Diseases
Arthritis treatment, Cures gastro-intestinal troubles, Diarrhea treatment, Gout treatment, Heart care, Kidney stone treatment, Liver health, Muscle pain relief, Treatment of alzheimer's disease
General Benefits
Boosts immune system, Controls blood pressure, Eye care, Helps in weight loss
Anti oxidant properties, Anti-inflammatory properties, Boosts immune system, Cures fever, Eye care, Fights against infections, Improves blood circulation, Improves eye vision, Maintains healthy cholesterol level, Treatment of common cold
Skin Benefits
Brightens and lightens complexion, Heals sunburn, Reduces wrinkles, Skin rejuvenation, Treatment of acne, Treatment of dark spots, Treatment of skin diseases
Anti-aging benefits, Brightens and lightens complexion, Skin cleansing, Treatment of dark spots, Treatment of skin diseases
Hair Benefits
Prevents hair loss, Promotes longer and healthier hair, Treatment of dandruff
Acts as moisturizer, Prevents hair loss, Promotes longer and healthier hair, Protects hair, Rejuvenates scalp, Remedy for split ends
Allergy Symptoms
Abdominal pains, Anaphylaxis, Breathing difficulty, Itching in tongue and other parts of mouth, Itching sensation in throat, Swelling of mouth, tongue or lips, Vomiting
Abdominal pains, Asthma, Conjunctivitis, Eczema, Itching, Nasal polyps, Runny nose, Skin rash, Swelling
Side Effects
Allergic reaction, Diarrhoea, Skin rash, Possibly unsafe during pregnancy
Diarrhoea, Nausea, Vomiting, Might cause change of urine color
Best Time to Eat
Any time except an hour after meal, Don't consume at night and before bed
Best if taken as a breakfast (or empty stomach), As a snack in the late afternoon, Don't consume at night and before bed, Eat the fresh ones, avoid mixing with any other foods, don't eat after meal., Morning time (before lunch)
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)
Not Available
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Vitamin K (Phyllochinone)
Not Available
Not Available
Calories in Fresh Fruit with Peel
Calories in Fresh Fruit without Peel
Not Available
Not Available
Calories in Frozen Form
Not Available
Not Available
Calories in Canned Form
Not Available
Spring, Summer, Winter
Zhong Hua, Jing Li, Ruan Zao, Mao Hua and Huang Yan
Ben Sarek, Ben Lomond, Ben Hope, Ben Connan, Ben Avon, Ben Gairn, Ben Dorain, Ben Hope, Ben Sarek, Ben Tirran, Big Ben, Ebony, Foxendown, Titania and Ben Alder
Sour-Sweet, Tangy
Asia, Europe
Soil Type
Sandy loam, Well-drained
Climatic Conditions
Cold, Sunny
Cold, Moist
Facts about
- The name Kiwi is due to the resemblance with 'Kiwi' bird.
- Animals like monkeys and deer also consume Kiwifruit.
- Originated in china, this fruit is also called as 'Chinese gooseberry.'
- The life of black currant plant is 20-30 years.
- Oil extracted from black currant seeds is used in production of skin care products.
- Black currant berries are major source of food for the birds.
Not Available
Top Producer
Other Countries
Chile, France, Greece, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Portugal, Turkey, United States of America
New Zealand, Poland, United Kingdom, United States of America
Top Importer
United States of America
Not Available
Top Exporter
New Zealand
Not Available
Botanical Name
Actinidia deliciosa
Ribes nigrum
Not Available
R. nigrum forma chlorocarpum or R. nigrum var. chlorocarpum or R. nigrum var. sibiricum or R. cyathiforme or R. olidum
A. deliciosa
R. nigrum
Generic Group
Difference Between Green Kiwi and Blackcurrant
We might think that Green Kiwi and Blackcurrant are similar with respect to nutritional value and health benefits. But the nutrient content of both fruits is different. Green Kiwi and Blackcurrant Facts such as their taste, shape, color, and size are also distinct. The difference between Green Kiwi and Blackcurrant is explained here.
The amount of calories in 100 gm of fresh Green Kiwi and Blackcurrant with peel is 61.00 kcal and 63.00 kcal and the amount of calories without peel is Not Available and Not Available respectively. Thus, Green Kiwi and Blackcurrant belong to and category.These fruits might or might not differ with respect to their scientific classification. The order of Green Kiwi and Blackcurrant is Ericales and Saxifragales respectively. Green Kiwi belongs to Actinidiaceae family and Blackcurrant belongs to Grossulariaceae family. Green Kiwi belongs to Actinidia genus of A. deliciosa species and Blackcurrant belongs to Ribes genus of R. nigrum species. Beings plants, both fruits belong to Plantae Kingdom.