Jambul Facts
- Wood of jambul tree is water-resistant wood & is used in railroads and to implement engines in the well.
- In Indian mythology, it is said that Jambul fruit was revered by Buddha.
- Jambul has a huge importance in Ayurveda.
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Know all Facts about Jambul
Fruits form an important part of a healthy diet. You probably think you know all facts about Jambul. But there are some compelling details about this fruit that are still unknown to many of us. Keep reading to learn about unique Jambul facts and its storage methods, production, use in alcoholic beverages, etc. This fruit belongs to category. Some of the Interesting facts about this fruit are:
- Wood of jambul tree is water-resistant wood & is used in railroads and to implement engines in the well.
- In Indian mythology, it is said that Jambul fruit was revered by Buddha.
- Jambul has a huge importance in Ayurveda.